# Aula 1: 28/07/2019 OS'es UNIX: history and flavors Filesystem hierarchy Absolute and relative paths Shells pwd cd mkdir touch rmdir rm Shell feature: tab auto-completion date echo cp mv ls [-l] [-F] command options and arguments alias Streams: standard input/output/error Sequencing commands: ; Logical operators: && and || redirections: write (>) and append (>>) cat less cat vs less ps vs top Unix pipe wc head tail grep [-v] # Aula 2: 30/07/2019 sort Shell globbing: * ? [] [-] Users Permissions chmod chown chgrp Shell wars POSIX and Linuxism; Cygwin editing files: ed whereis which Environmental variables alter PATH dotfiles ls -a symlinks: ln -s # Aula 3: 02/08/2019 mounting regexps tmux ssh, ssh-keygen (scp) (rsync) (unison) Shell scripting cut uniq (paste) (sed) diff vimdiff vi & vim modal editing # Aula 4: 02/08/2019 Emacs Org mode # Aula 5: 03/08/2019 More Emacs Git